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I see you. You're doing great. Field Notes farm blog

I See You.

Well, good morning.

I have no witty stories for you from the farm today. It's June - which means every Mama I know (including me!) is doggone tired, counting down the days to slow mornings, lazy summer afternoons and no more lunches to be made or bags to be packed.

It's been a long year for families, and I guess today I just want to say I see you. Especially those of you who chose to continue to homeschool this school year.

If no one has told you lately - You are doing great. You kept your kids fed and alive and maybe even snuck in some learning in there too. In the end, that's all that matters.

Things feel like they are slowly creeping back to normal out there and as the world slowly starts to open up, I hope we can all hold tight to the lessons we've learned these past many months.

Remember - We don't need the end of the world to happen again in order to slow down, focus on what's truly important and just BE. It's there for each of us to choose, we simply have to decide.

If you have a chance and haven't already, be sure to check out the David Attenborough film The Year the Earth Changed. It's a powerful testament to the resilience of our planet if we simply give her a chance to catch her breath.

See you at the farm.

As always.


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