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A Fresh Sheet for a Fresh Year

Despite our collective hope for something better, some relief, a little breath ... It's been another tough year.

As we move into 2022 full of uncertainty and more than a little heaviness I hope you can take a moment to pause before launching into the New Year, full of new plans and new hopes, and take a moment to acknowledge how far you've come.

To recognize that even in times when things feel like they are standing still, that too, can be a type of moving forward.

Sometimes simply still being present at the end of a long day, through grief or loss or just frustration that the darn schools are closed again . . . To keep getting up in the morning, to continue to be present, after everything . . . That, too, is progress.

It is enough.

( Artwork by the amazing Morgan Harper Nichols )

We have eggs this week and still a little meat in the freezer. The farm is a winter wonderland, but the roads are ok.

See you soon.

As always.



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