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farmer stacey's

Field Notes

Letters from life in the slow lane.

Farmer Stacey's Field Notes

I see you. You're doing great. Field Notes farm blog

I See You.

It's been a long year for families, and I guess today I just want to say I see you. Especially those of you who chose to continue to homeschool this school year.

If no one has told you lately - You are doing great. You kept your kids fed and alive and maybe even snuck in some learning in there too. In the end, that's all that matters.

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Songbirds Over Cubicles

Songbirds Over Cubicles

Well. What a beauty of a day. Spent my morning planting the garden surrounded by my favourite coworkers (no - not my kids - ha!) but an absolute riot of wild birds. From tiny song birds - sparrows, chickadees, robins and the like to swallows and a woodpecker, ravens, a red tail hawk and the neighbourhood bald eagles.
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living a purposeful life field notes farm blog

Spring Pruning & Living a Life of Purpose

Spring is suddenly on the horizon on the farm. That means baby lambs, seeds in the ground and finally pruning the (very old, very unkempt) fruit trees.

One poor thing in particular was overgrown, but resilient. Every year its tangle of branches produced so many apples limbs snapped under the weight of the tart red fruit.

It made me think about that initial transition to a slower, more intentional life.

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coghlan cottage farm langley bc

Our Food Philosophy

Here at Coghlan Cottage Farm, we are passionate about real food, grown close to home with love. We believe strongly that the future of food and farming lies in the hands of family farmers, not multi-national corporations. We believe that seeds belong in the commons, to be grown and shared for future generations, not merely the profits of the privileged few. 

If you get to know us, follow us on social media, you will find that we talk about ...
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